There have been many new 2022 BL series in this exciting year. The genre continues to thrive in countries like Thailand, Taiwan, South Korea, Japan, Vietnam, and many places across Asia. Compared to last year, Korean BL dramas experienced a significant boom as they gained traction with mainstream audiences. Likewise, Thai BL is on a meteoric rise with dozens of bold and innovative love stories. This year also welcomes numerous sequels, remakes, adaptations, and familiar on-screen couples returning to brand new series.
Among the top 2022 BL series, I highly recommend The Eclipse. This bold, intelligent drama uses a schoolyard setting to tackle complex themes about power and politics. It also features a spicy romance with excellent chemistry. Another top candidate is Old Fashion Cupcake, a sophisticated workplace romance that navigates gender norms and generation gaps. This Japanese BL series has sharp dialogue, sweet romantic moments, and a sensational climax. Both The Eclipse and Old Fashion Cupcake are dazzling entries to the Boys Love genre.
2022 is a memorable year for BL dramas, movies, and anime series. New love stories have been released regularly, covering every niche and fictional genre imaginable. To keep everything organized, I compiled a list of 2022 BL dramas to watch, ranked from best to worst.
Admittedly, it's not a comprehensive list of all the BL stories released this year. There are plenty of missing entries from various countries. However, I plan on catching up, one BL drama at a time. The 2022 BL series list will be routinely updated with new reviews.
List of BL Dramas in 2022
BL Categories
Anime BL 2022 BL anime dramas
Japanese BL 2022 BL dramas from Japan
Korean BL 2022 BL dramas from South Korea
Taiwanese BL 2022 BL dramas from Taiwan
Thai BL 2022 BL dramas from Thailand
World BL 2022 Other BL dramas
BL Years
Best BL 2022 Top BL dramas in 2022
2023 BL List of BL dramas in 2023
2021 BL List of BL dramas in 2021
Browse all the completed BL series in 2022, including dramas, movies, and anime. The lists are regularly updated to include every project that ended during the year. The info is ordered based on the completed date.
2022 Anime BL
Sasaki and Miyano completed on March 28, 2022.
Mori no Kuma-san completed on September 12, 2022.
2022 Hong Kong BL Series
I'm a Fool for You Season 3 completed on September 29, 2022.
BOYS completed on November 12, 2022.
2022 Japanese BL Movies
Our House Party released on March 15, 2022.
Cherry Magic! The Movie released on April 8, 2022.
Sing in Love released on May 27, 2022.
BL Metamorphosis released on June 17, 2022.
Egoist released on October 27, 2022.
Grand Guignol released on October 28, 2022.
2022 Japanese BL Series
We're Both Grooms completed on March 14, 2022.
Kei x Yaku completed on March 17, 2022.
A Man Who Defies the World of BL 2 completed on March 20, 2022.
Fudanshi Bartender completed on May 31, 2022.
Mr. Unlucky Has No Choice But to Kiss completed on June 10, 2022.
The 8.2 Second Rule completed on June 10, 2022.
I Just Want to See You completed on June 17, 2022.
Old Fashion Cupcake completed on July 4, 2022.
Double completed on August 6, 2022.
Senpai, This Can't Be Love! completed on August 12, 2022.
Minato's Laundromat completed on September 14, 2022.
More Than Words completed on September 16, 2022.
Takara-kun & Amagi-kun completed on October 14, 2022.
Shimbashi Koi Story completed on November 2, 2022.
Kabe Koji completed on November 21, 2022.
Shimbashi Koi Story 2 completed on December 4, 2022.
Eternal Yesterday completed on December 9, 2022.
Two Office Workers Who Are Too Poisonous completed on December 9, 2022.
Candy Color Paradox completed on February 10, 2023.
2022 Korean BL Movies
Original Sin released on December 27, 2022.
2022 Korean BL Series
Color Rush 2 completed on January 21, 2022.
Kissable Lips completed on February 25, 2022.
Semantic Error completed on March 10, 2022.
Oh! Boarding House completed on March 16, 2022.
First Love Again completed on March 18, 2022.
Blue of Winter completed on March 29, 2022.
Blueming completed on March 31, 2022.
Cherry Blossoms After Winter completed on April 14, 2022.
Love Class completed on May 18, 2022.
Ocean Likes Me completed on May 18, 2022.
Love in Spring completed on July 6, 2022.
To My Star 2 completed on July 3, 2022.
Once Again completed on October 6, 2022.
Roommates of Poongduck 304 completed on November 3, 2022.
Happy Ending Romance completed on December 15, 2022.
Choco Milk Shake completed on December 20, 2022.
Oh! My Assistant completed on December 23, 2022.
The Director Who Buys Me Dinner completed on January 12, 2023.
The New Employee completed on February 1, 2023.
2022 Macau BL Movies
Kissing the Ground You Walked On released on November 11, 2022.
2022 Taiwanese BL Movies
Gaze in Silence released on May 19, 2022.
Deep Ocean released on August 26, 2022.
Maybe It's Love released on August 29, 2022.
2022 Taiwanese BL Series
49 Days With a Merman completed on March 13, 2022.
DNA Says I Love You completed on May 23, 2022.
Plus & Minus completed on June 24, 2022.
About Youth completed on September 19, 2022.
Papa & Daddy 2 completed on September 19, 2022.
My Tooth, Your Love completed on December 20, 2022.
HIStory 5: Love in the Future completed on March 1, 2023.
Back to My First Love is an ongoing series.
RoomMatch is an ongoing series.
2022 Thai BL Movies
My Tempo completed on October 20, 2022.
2022 Thai BL Series
The Love of Winter completed on January 28, 2022.
Boy Scouts completed on March 2, 2022.
Love Area Part 2 completed on March 5, 2022.
Cupid's Last Wish completed on March 22, 2022.
Something in My Room completed on March 23, 2022.
You're My Sky completed on March 26, 2022.
My Ride completed on March 31, 2022.
Enchanté completed on April 1, 2022.
Love Stage completed on April 2, 2022.
Country Boy 2 completed on April 5, 2022.
Physical Therapy completed on April 10, 2022.
Restarted completed on April 17, 2022.
The Tuxedo completed on April 22, 2022.
The Miracle of Teddy Bear completed on May 1, 2022.
Rak Diao completed on May 7, 2022.
Our Days completed on May 13, 2022.
Secret Crush on You completed on May 13, 2022.
Cutie Pie completed on May 14, 2022.
Star in My Mind completed on May 27, 2022.
What Zabb Man! completed on May 28, 2022.
That's My Candy completed on May 29, 2022.
Meow Ears Up completed on May 31, 2022.
My Keychain completed on June 1, 2023.
La Cuisine completed on June 4, 2022.
Dear Doctor completed on June 8, 2022.
Close Friend 2 completed on June 9, 2022.
KinnPorsche completed on July 9, 2022.
Rainbow Lagoon completed on July 11, 2022.
Triage completed on July 11, 2022.
Sky in Your Heart completed on July 22, 2022.
In a Relationship completed on July 24, 2022.
Even Sun completed on August 3, 2022.
Love Mechanics completed on August 6, 2022.
My Secret Love completed on August 20, 2023.
Check Out completed on August 27, 2022.
21 Days Theory completed on August 28, 2022.
Magic of Zero completed on September 3, 2023.
Unforgotten Night completed on September 7, 2022.
On Cloud Nine completed on September 10, 2022.
What If completed on September 12, 2022.
Coffee Melody completed on September 19, 2022.
Work From Heart completed on September 29, 2022.
Vice Versa completed on October 1, 2022.
180 Degree Longitude Passes Through Us completed on October 2, 2022.
Oh! My Sunshine Night completed on October 23, 2022.
The Eclipse completed on October 28, 2022.
My Roommate completed on October 29, 2022.
Love in the Air completed on November 10, 2022.
My Only 12% completed on November 11, 2022.
The Promise Thailand completed on November 15, 2022.
Self completed on November 17, 2022.
Ghost Host, Ghost House completed on November 23, 2022.
Big Dragon completed on November 26, 2022.
Hard Love Mission completed on November 26, 2022.
Fahlanruk completed on November 27, 2022.
To Sir, With Love completed on November 28, 2022.
Ai Long Nhai completed on December 12, 2022.
War of Y completed on December 13, 2022.
2 Moons: The Ambassador completed on December 26, 2022.
Why You… Y Me? completed on December 29, 2022.
Till the World Ends completed on January 7, 2023.
Remember Me completed on January 8, 2023.
Between Us completed on January 29, 2023.
609 Bedtime Story completed on February 3, 2023.
I Will Knock You completed on February 3, 2023.
My School President completed on February 24, 2023.
The Warp Effect completed on February 27, 2023.
Never Let Me Go completed on February 28, 2023.
2022 Vietnamese BL Series
The Promise Vietnam completed on May 27, 2022.
Want to See You completed on August 28, 2022.
Love Bill completed on January 10, 2023.
The Star Always Follows You completed on January 14, 2023.
Anime BL 2022
2022 has been a slow year for the anime BL genre. There is only a handful of new series this year. Thankfully, Sasaki and Miyano is an excellent entry that depicts a teenage love story enchantingly. There is also Mori no Kuma-san, a smutty 18+ series with humanoid animals.
Completed Anime BL
Mori no Kuma-san
Mori no Kuma-san, Toumin-chuu (森のくまさん、冬眠中) is a Japanese 18+ BL anime series with huma `noid animals. The protagonist is a gentle bear who finds an orphaned baby dog.
Sasaki and Miyano
Sasaki and Miyano (佐々木と宮野) is a BL anime series about the tender love story between two high school students. The main character introduces his friend to the world of Boys Love manga.
Japanese BL 2022
One of the most exciting Japanese BL projects in 2022 include the Cherry Magic movie. This film sequel continues the story of the beloved franchise. Other popular BL dramas include Minato's Laundromat, which is a hit among Japanese audiences. My personal favourites include Eternal Yesterday, More Than Words, and Old Fashion Cupcake.
Completed Japanese BL
A Man Who Defies the World of BL 2
A Man Who Defies the World of BL 2 (絶対BLになる世界 2) is the second season of the Japanese BL comedy. The protagonist is in a universe dominated by gay couples.
BL Metamorphosis
BL Metamorphosis is a Japanese movie about the sweet, cozy friendship between an elderly woman and a teenage girl.
Candy Color Paradox
Candy Color Paradox (飴色パラドックス) is a Japanese BL series about two tabloid journalists. The protagonist is an investigative reporter for a magazine.
Cherry Magic! The Movie
Cherry Magic! The Movie (チェリまほ THE MOVIE) is the film sequel to the Japanese BL series Cherry Magic. This movie continues after the events of the original story.
Double (ダブル) is a Japanese drama about two friends with an unusually codependent relationship. They have been aspiring actors and next-door neighbours for many years.
Egoist (エゴイスト) is a Japanese BL movie about a couple who recently met and started dating. However, they face financial troubles.
Eternal Yesterday
Eternal Yesterday (永遠の昨日) is a Japanese BL series about two high school students who experience a heartbreaking tragedy. The protagonist befriends his cheerful classmate.
Fudanshi Bartender
Fudanshi Bartender (腐男子バーテンダーの嗜み) is a Japanese BL slice-of-life comedy. The main character may look like a suave bartender, but he hides his secret obsession with BL.
Grand Guignol
Grand Guignol (グランギニョール) is a Japanese BL horror movie about a school for delinquents. The main character is a teenager enrolled in an academy on a remote island.
I Just Want to See You
I Just Want to See You (君のことだけ見ていたい) is a Japanese BL series about a calm, gentle high school romance. The main characters are best friends about to enter their senior year.
Kabe Koji
Kabe Koji (壁サー同人作家) is a Japanese BL comedy series about a doujinshi artist. The protagonist is famous for drawing an adult manga with steamy characters.
Kei x Yaku
Kei x Yaku: Dangerous Buddy (ケイ×ヤク -あぶない相棒) is a Japanese BL crime drama. The main character is a police detective investigating the shooting of his colleague three years ago.
Minato's Laundromat
Minato's Laundromat (みなと商事コインランドリー) is a Japanese BL series about a high school student's unrequited love. The teen protagonist has a crush on the local laundromat owner.
More Than Words
More Than Words (モアザンワーズ) is a Japanese drama about three best friends in a love triangle over the years. The aromantic female protagonist befriends a popular classmate.
Mr. Unlucky Has No Choice But to Kiss
Mr. Unlucky Has No Choice but to Kiss (不幸くんはキスするしかない!) is a quirky Japanese BL drama. The main character believes he has been jinxed throughout his life.
Old Fashion Cupcake
Old Fashion Cupcake (オールドファッションカップケーキ) is a Japanese BL series about an office romance. The protagonist is in his late thirties and fails to enjoy life.
Our House Party
Our House Party (ボクらのホームパーティー) is a Japanese BL movie that released in March, 2022. The story is about a group of gay men who meet at a house party.
Senpai, This Can't Be Love!
Senpai, This Can't Be Love! (先輩、断じて恋では!) is a Japanese BL series about a cute and quirky workplace romance. The protagonist is a shy new office employee.
Shimbashi Koi Story
Shimbashi Koi Story (シンバシコイ物語) is a Japanese BL series about two customers falling in love at a gay bar. The main character is a shy and lonely bachelor in his late thirties.
Shimbashi Koi Story 2
Shimbashi Koi Story Season 2 (シンバシコイ物語2) is the sequel to the Japanese BL serie. The second season continues the couple's love story after two years have passed.
Sing in Love
Sing in Love (恋い焦れ歌え) is a Japanese BL movie about a teacher who experiences sexual assault trauma. A violent predator attacks the main character in the middle of the night.
Takara-kun & Amagi-kun
Takara-kun and Amagi-kun (高良くんと天城くん) is a Japanese BL series about two high school students who recently started dating. They belong to different social circles.
The 8.2 Second Rule
The 8.2 Second Rule (8.2秒の法則) is a Japanese BL series about a high school student and his ongoing pursuit of love. The protagonist wants to find a boyfriend.
Two Office Workers Who Are Too Poisonous
Two Office Workers Who Are Too Poisonous for One's Eyes (目の毒すぎる職場のふたり) is a Japanese comedy. The protagonist fantasizes about her coworkers.
We're Both Grooms
We're Both Grooms (僕もアイツも新郎です) is a Japanese BL drama about a gay couple on their wedding day. Before the ceremony, the lead admits he hasn't come out to his family.
Korean BL 2022
The most popular Korean BL dramas in 2022 include Semantic Error. This exciting love story puts a fun spin on the enemies-to-friends trope. It has captured the attention of many BL fans. In addition, other popular dramas include Choco Milk Shake, Roommates of Poongduck 304, and To My Star 2.
Completed Korean BL
Blue of Winter
Blue of Winter (유도 소년) is a Korean BL series about a high school love triangle. The main character is in the judo club, where he meets a new student with a secret crush on him
Blueming (블루밍) is a Korean BL series about two film school students with a rocky relationship. The protagonist has a terrible first impression of his popular classmate.
Cherry Blossoms After Winter
Cherry Blossoms After Winter (겨울 지나 벚꽃) is a Korean BL series about two childhood friends throughout their time in high school and university.
Choco Milk Shake
Choco Milk Shake (사랑은 댕냥댕냥) is a Korean fantasy BL series about a pet owner whose animals transform into humanoid companions. The main character owns a dog and a cat.
Color Rush 2
Color Rush 2 (컬러 러쉬 2) is the sequel of the Korean BL series Color Rush. The second season continues the story of a colourblind protagonist as he seeks his missing loved ones.
First Love Again
First Love Again (첫사랑 만 세번째) is a Korean fantasy BL series about a reincarnated man searching for his long-lost love. The protagonist carries the memories from his two previous lives.
Happy Ending Romance
Happy Ending Romance (펜스 밖은 해피엔딩) is a Korean BL series about a love triangle between two authors and a book publisher. The main character used to be a famous writer.
Kissable Lips
Kissable Lips (깨물고싶은) is a Korean BL drama about vampires. The main character is a dying vampire who suffers from deteriorating health.
Love Class
Love Class (수업중입니다) is a Korean BL series about the romance between two university students. The leads attend the same class, paired together for a group project.
Love in Spring
Love in Spring (춘정지란) is a Korean historical BL series that started in May 2022. There are 14 episodes.
Ocean Likes Me
Ocean Likes Me (나와 같은 바다) is a Korean BL series about a restaurant by the beach. The main character relocates to a seaside community by himself and wants to open his own udon shop.
Oh! Boarding House
Oh! Boarding House (하숙집 오!번지) is a quirky Korean BL comedy series. The goofy protagonist is a landlord who lives with the other eccentric characters in a boarding house.
Oh! My Assistant
Oh! My Assistant (오! 나의 어시님) is a Korean BL comedy series about a webtoon artist and his new employee. The protagonist recently hires a assistant to help with his art projects.
Once Again
Once Again (다시나를찾아와) is a Korean fantasy BL series about going back in time to stop a murder. The main character was almost kidnapped by a child abductor fifteen years ago.
Original Sin
Original Sin (원죄) is a Korean BL short movie about a love affair between two church members. The protagonist is a devout believer who attends religious gatherings.
Roommates of Poongduck 304
Roommates of Poongduck 304 (풍덕빌라 304호의 사정) is a Korean BL series about an office worker, his boss, and their odd living arrangement. They must live together.
Semantic Error
Semantic Error (시맨틱 에러) is a Korean BL series about two feuding university students. A serious programmer and a rebellious artist clash over a school project.
The Director Who Buys Me Dinner
The Director Who Buys Me Dinner (밥만 잘 사주는 이상한 이사님) is a Korean BL series about an office romance with a fantasy twist. The protagonist starts a new job.
The New Employee
The New Employee (신입사원) is a Korean BL series about a marketing intern, his boss, and their office romance. The main character begins an internship at an advertising company.
To My Star 2
To My Star 2: Our Untold Stories (나의 별에게2) is the second season of the Korean BL series, To My Star. This sequel continues the romance between a famous actor and an ordinary chef.
Taiwanese BL 2022
There has been an increase in Taiwanese BL dramas in 2022. Some popular series include About Youth, a high school love story. There is also My Tooth, Your Love, featuring a romance between a dentist and his client. Also, Plus & Minus features a classic tale of two childhood best friends with secret feelings for each other.
Completed Taiwanese BL
49 Days With a Merman
49 Days With a Merman (我家浴缸的二三事) is a Taiwanese fantasy drama. An ordinary high school student leads an uneventful life until he suddenly meets an eccentric merman.
About Youth
About Youth (默默的我 不默默的我們) is a Taiwanese BL series about a high school romance. The main characters first meet on a rainy evening after experiencing emotional hardships.
Deep Ocean
Deep Ocean (深海) is a Taiwanese short movie that released in August 2022. The film is around 20 minutes long. The director is To Kao.
DNA Says I Love You
DNA Says I Love You (基因決定我愛你) is a unique Taiwanese BL series with a groundbreaking concept. However, the story begins ordinarily as a boy-meets-boy romance.
Gaze in Silence
Gaze in Silence (寂寥無聲的凝視) is a Taiwanese short movie that released in May 2022. It is around 15 minutes long. The director is Hao Liang Huang.
HIStory 5: Love in the Future
HIStory 5: Love in the Future HIStory5 (遇見未來的你) is a Taiwanese BL series about a time traveller and his romance. The protagonist is magically transported years into the future.
Maybe It's Love
Maybe It's Love (愛情生活) is a Taiwanese BL short movie about two lovers and their secret affair. After hooking up with an older man, the main character reveals he already has a boyfriend.
My Tooth, Your Love
My Tooth, Your Love (我的牙想你) is a Taiwanese BL series about a dentist, his patient, and their romance. The main character clashes with his dentist after their first appointment.
Papa & Daddy 2
Papa & Daddy 2 (酷蓋爸爸 2) is a Taiwanese BL series that started in August 2022. There are 8 episodes. It is the second season of the 2021 drama, Papa & Daddy.
Plus & Minus
Plus & Minus (正負之間) is a Taiwanese BL series about the romance between two childhood friends. The main characters have been best friends for over twenty years.
Ongoing Taiwanese BL
Back to My First Love
Back to My First Love (回到那一天的初戀) is a Taiwanese BL series that started in September 2022. The drama is currently ongoing. A new episode releases every few months.
RoomMatch (來同G吧) is a Taiwanese BL series that started in October 2022. It is currently fundraising and may have stopped updating after the third episode.
Thai BL 2022
Thai BL dramas has skyrocketed in popularity in 2022. GMMTV has produced several excellent series, including My School President. This high school love story combines music and romance in an enchanting formula. Other popular dramas include KinnPorsche, which has taken the BL fandom by storm. In addition, Cutie Pie, Love in the Air, and The Eclipse have also generated much buzz.
Completed Thai BL
2 Moons: The Ambassador
2 Moons: The Ambassador (เดือนเกี้ยวเดือน) is a Thai BL series that started in October 2022. The story is a part of the 2 Moons franchise.
21 Days Theory
21 Days Theory (21 วัน มีฉันมีเธอ) is a Thai BL series about a high school romance that develops over three weeks. The main characters participate in an unconventional competition.
180 Degree Longitude Passes Through Us
180 Degree Longitude Passes Through Us (เส้นลองจิจูดที่ 180 องศาลากผ่านเรา) is a Thai BL series exploring trauma and family melodrama. The lead meets a mysterious man who shared a history with his father.
609 Bedtime Story
609 Bedtime Story (เบดไทม์สตอรี่) is a Thai BL fantasy series about a murder mystery involving two parallel universes. One night, the protagonist is magically transported to an alternate world.
Ai Long Nhai
Ai Long Nhai (อัยย์หลงไน๋) is a lighthearted Thai BL series about two university friends and their campus romance. The protagonist used to be a playboy until he transferred to a new school.
Between Us
Between Us (เชือกป่าน) is a Thai BL series that started in November 2022. It stars Prem and Boun, best known for the BL series Until We Meet Again.
Big Dragon
Big Dragon (มังกรกินใหญ่) is a spicy Thai BL series about two enemies feuding over a sex tape. The main character clashes with his university rival as they compete for a female classmate's attention.
Boy Scouts
Boy Scouts (ลูกเสือ) is a short Thai BL series about the various misadventures in a scout camp. The main character is shy and physically fragile, so he gets teased by the other teenagers.
Check Out
Check Out (คืนนั้นกับนายดาวเหนือ) is a Thai BL series about a raunchy office affair. The main character works for his ex-boyfriend, who dotes on him and wants to reconcile.
Close Friend 2
Close Friend 2 (โคตรแฟน Season 2) is a Thai anthology BL series that started in May 2022. It is the second season of the Close Friend franchise. There are 5 episodes.
Coffee Melody
Coffee Melody (เพลงที่รัก) is a Thai BL series about a cute, flirty romance in a coffee shop. The main character is a songwriter going through a creative slump.
Country Boy 2
Country Boy 2 (บ้านพักหลังป่วนกับก๊วนเด็กเมือง 2) is the sequel of the Thai BL drama, continuing the teen love story. The protagonist leaves the countryside to work in the city.
Cupid's Last Wish
Cupid's Last Wish (พินัยกรรมกามเทพ) is a Thai BL series about two siblings who swap bodies. After an accident, the protagonist switches identities with his sister, who has fallen into a coma.
Cutie Pie
Cutie Pie (นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ) is a Thai BL series about two childhood friends and their arranged marriage. The protagonist's grandfather wants him to marry the son of a close family acquaintance.
Dear Doctor
Dear Doctor (คุณหมอครับ ผมมารับวิญญาณคนไข้) is a Thai BL series that started in March 2022. There are 12 episodes. It stars Karn and Nut, the two leads of the 2016 classic series, Grey Rainbow.
Enchanté (ใครคือ…อองชองเต) is a Thai BL series about two childhood friends who reunite after years of separation. The main character returns after living overseas for many years.
Even Sun
Even Sun (ฉันนี่แหละนายอาทิตย์) is a Thai BL series about debt collection. The main character works for a debt collection business, although he's lousy at his job.
Fahlanruk (ฟ้าลั่นรัก) is a Thai BL series about two university students who become friends with benefits. Both protagonists are campus playboys, gaining a reputation for their commitment issues.
Ghost Host, Ghost House
Ghost Host, Ghost House (รัก เล่า เรื่องผี) is a Thai supernatural BL series about a haunted residence. The main character has returned from overseas and moves in with his aunt's family.
Hard Love Mission
Hard Love Mission (ภารกิจโหดเปลี่ยนเป็นโหมดรัก) is a Thai BL series about an actor, a reporter, and their budding romance. The protagonist wants to secure a celebrity interview.
I Will Knock You
I Will Knock You (พี่จะตีนะเนย) is a quirky Thai BL comedy series about a teenage gangster and his tutor. The protagonist accidentally offends an intimidating gang leader.
In a Relationship
In a Relationship (สถานะรักเธอ) is a Thai BL series about a teenage romance developed over video calls. After losing a bet, the main character must fulfill three wishes for the winner.
KinnPorsche (คินน์พอร์ช เดอะซีรีส์) is a Thai crime BL series that started in April 2022. There are 12 episodes. It is one of the most popular BL dramas of the year.
La Cuisine
La Cuisine (เมนูลับฉบับแก้มยุ้ย) is a Thai BL series about two university students bonding over cute lunch dates. The main character is a campus heartthrob and a notoriously picky eater.
Love Area Part 2
Love Area Part 2 (ครั้งหนึ่ง เราเคยรักกัน พาร์ต 2) is the sequel of the Thai BL drama Love Area. This eight-episode series continues the turbulent relationship between two restaurant employees.
Love in the Air
Love in the Air (บรรยากาศรัก เดอะซีรีส์) is a Thai BL series that started on August 2022. There are 12 episodes. It is based on a story by MAME.
Love Mechanics
Love Mechanics (กลรักรุ่นพี่) is a Thai BL series about two engineering students and their turbulent romance. The protagonist has a drunken one-night stand with a stranger at a bar.
Love Stage
Love Stage (เลิฟสเตจ) is a Thai BL series adapted from a Japanese manga. The protagonist comes from a celebrity family, but he has no desire to be famous.
Magic of Zero
Magic of Zero is a Thai anthology series about three lighthearted love stories with a fantasy twist. The third episode, "Zero Supporter", showcases a BL couple.
Meow Ears Up
Meow Ears Up (น้องเหมียว ในห้องผม) is a Thai BL series about the love story between a human and a humanoid cat. The protagonist adopts a stray cat with the ability to magically transform.
My Keychain
My Keychain (น้องชาย นายเสื้อซ็อป) is a short Thai BL series about a school romance. The young protagonist meets his love interest during a random encounter.
My Only 12%
My Only 12% (ลุ้นรัก 12%) is a Thai BL series that follows two childhood friends from high school to university. They are neighbours who grew up together and developed a close bond.
My Ride
My Ride (รักนาย) is a Thai BL series about the love story between a doctor and a motorcycle taxi driver. The main characters bond despite coming from different walks of life.
My Roommate
My Roommate is a Thai BL series about six young singles living together. The main character inherits his mother's house after she passes away.
My School President
My School President (แฟนผมเป็นประธานนักเรียน) is a Thai BL series about an enchanting teenage love story. The protagonist is a musician who forms a band with his friends.
My Secret Love
My Secret Love (แอบจองรัก) is a Thai BL series about the romance between a student council president and a prankster. The main characters clash over causing mischief on campus.
My Tempo
My Tempo (น้องพี่ดนตรีเพื่อน) is a Thai BL movie that released on October 2022. The story is about two high school students and their musical studies.
Never Let Me Go
Never Let Me Go (เพื่อนายแค่หนึ่งเดียว) is a Thai BL series about a wealthy teenager and his bodyguard. The protagonist is a hotel heir in his final year of high school.
Oh! My Sunshine Night
Oh! My Sunshine Night (เลิฟ@นาย) is a Thai university BL series that started in July 2022. There are 18 episodes. It features Ohm and Fluke, the stars of Until We Meet Again.
On Cloud Nine
On Cloud Nine is a Thai fantasy BL series. The story begins with the main character meeting a mysterious stranger in the wilderness. This suspicious wanderer seems oddly intimate.
Our Days
Our Days (รักได้ไหมนายไม่ยิ้ม) is a Thai BL series about two university students who become enemies after a drunken night together. The lead cannot forgive his acquaintance over a stolen kiss.
Physical Therapy
Physical Therapy (ผมปวดกาย นายปวดใจ) is a Thai BL series about the romance between a doctor and his patient. After a recent injury, the main character is admitted to a healthcare facility.
Rainbow Lagoon
Rainbow Lagoon (ห้วยตึงเฒ่า) is a Thai BL series about two love rivals who turn into romantic companions. The main characters competed against each other over the same girlfriend.
Rak Diao
Rak Diao (รักเดียว) is a lighthearted Thai BL series that started in January 2022. There are 15 episodes. It features a laugh track.
Remember Me
Remember Me (ความรักเขียนด้วยความรัก) is a Thai BL series about a group of childhood friends. The main characters have known each other since they were young.
Restart(ed) (ขอรักอีกครั้งได้ไหม) is a Thai BL series that started in February 2022. There are 12 episodes. The story is about a group of friends.
Secret Crush on You
Secret Crush on You (แอบหลงรัก) is a Thai BL series about a school misfit and his infatuation with the campus jock. The lead has an obsessive crush on a popular university student.
Self (เราเห็นนาย) is a Thai BL series about two high school students who cross paths under strange, paranormal circumstances. The protagonist suddenly loses the ability to see his mirror reflection.
Sky in Your Heart
Sky in Your Heart (ขั้วฟ้าของผม) is the spin-off of the Thai BL series Star in My Mind. The main character is a doctor who must do community service after his drunken car accident.
Something in My Room
Something in My Room (ผมกับผีในห้อง) is a Thai supernatural BL series about a haunted house. The main character and his mom encounter a cheeky ghost trying to catch their attention.
Star in My Mind
Star in My Mind (แล้วแต่ดาว) is a Thai BL series about a campus romance. The main character confessed his feelings to his high school classmate, who rejected him.
That's My Candy
That's My Candy (นายแคนดีของฉัน) is a Thai fantasy BL series about a couple facing relationship troubles. The main character is a nurse with a busy schedule, often neglecting his boyfriend.
The Eclipse
The Eclipse (คาธ) is a Thai BL series about an uprising at an all-boys school. The main character feels disturbed by the recent protests and strange phenomena happening around campus.
The Love of Winter
The Love of Winter (ก่อนฤดูหนาวผ่าน) is a Thai BL series about a tourist who travels to the countryside alone. He stays at a remote resort, getting acquainted with the local tour guide.
The Miracle of Teddy Bear
The Miracle of Teddy Bear (คุณหมีปาฏิหาริย์) is a Thai BL series that started in March 2022. There are 16 episodes with lengthy episodes. It is an adaptation of a Thai novel.
The Promise Thailand
The Promise (สัญญา | ไม่ลืม) is the 2022 prequel for the 2023 Thai BL series with the same title. The main characters are university roommates who have been best friends for a long time.
The Tuxedo
The Tuxedo (สูทรักนักออกแบบ) is a Thai BL series about a talented tailor, his wealthy client, and their love story. The leads don't get along initially over their family feud and personality clashes.
The Warp Effect
The Warp Effect (รูปลับรหัสวาร์ป) is a Thai comedy series with a BL subplot. The main character is an uncool high school student who causes drunken chaos at a party.
Till the World Ends
Till the World Ends (รักกันวันโลกแตก) is a Thai BL dystopian series about the final days before Earth's destruction. There have been news reports about the moon striking the world.
To Sir, With Love
To Sir, With Love (คุณชาย) is a Thai series that started in October 2022. The secondary couple is a BL pairing. There are 17 episodes. It stars Film and Jam.
Triage (ทริอาช) is a Thai BL series with the main character stuck inside a time loop. The protagonist is an emergency room doctor who repeats the same timeline after failing to save a patient's life.
Unforgotten Night
Unforgotten Night (ร้ายนักนะ รักของมาเฟีย) is a Thai BL series about a passionate romance after a one-night stand. The heartbroken protagonist hooks up with a random stranger.
Vice Versa
Vice Versa (รักสลับโลก) is a Thai BL series about a love story in a parallel universe. The protagonists discover they have been magically transported to another dimension.
War of Y
War of Y (วอร์ออฟวาย) is a Thai BL anthology series that started on August 2022. There are 20 episodes featuring four separate stories.
What If
What If (สมมติว่า) is a Thai BL series about two childhood best friends with a passion for music. The protagonists are neighbours who bond over guitar lessons.
What Zabb Man!
What Zabb Man! (รักวุ่นวายนายรสแซ่บ) is a Thai BL series about a hotel restaurant. The protagonist is a talented cook from a working-class background.
Why You… Y Me?
Why You… Y Me? (วุ่นรักนักจิ้น) is a Thai series told from a BL fangirl's perspective. The protagonist is obsessed with yaoi and likes to ship imaginary couples in real life.
Work From Heart
Work From Heart (รักป่วนก๊วนออฟฟิศ) is a Thai BL comedy series about an office romance. The main character is a wealthy heir who begins an internship at his grandfather's company.
You're My Sky
You're My Sky (จุดหมายคือท้องฟ้า) is a Thai BL sports drama. The main character is a motivated university student who wants to revive his school's ailing basketball team.
World BL 2022
There has been a steady amount of Hong Kong and Vietnamese BL dramas in 2022. This year has welcomed the third season of I'm a Fool for You. In addition, Vietnam has produced Love Bill, one of the country's most successful BL efforts to date.
Completed Hong Kong BL
BOYS is a Hong Kong BL series about two young actors in a theatre play. The main character has unrequited feelings for his costar.
I'm a Fool for You Season 3
I'm a Fool for You Season 3 (那個傻的 請一直傻下去 第3季) is the sequel of the Hong Kong BL series. The story showcases the relationship drama of three gay men
Completed Macau BL
Kissing the Ground You Walked On
Kissing the Ground You Walked On (海鷗來過的房間) is a Macanese gay movie that released in November 2022. It was nominated at the 59th Golden Horse Awards.
Completed Vietnamese BL
Love Bill
Love Bill (Lời Hứa Mùa Hạ) is a Vietnamese BL series about a runaway teenager and his older roommate. After clashing with his family, the rebellious protagonist deserts home with nowhere to go.
The Promise Vietnam
The Promise (Biển Lặng) is a Vietnamese BL series about two stepbrothers and their budding romance. The feisty teenage protagonist has a rocky relationship with his older stepsibling.
The Star Always Follows You
The Star Always Follows You (Lấp Lánh Tựa Ánh Sao Trời) is a Vietnamese BL series about a teenager who moves to the countryside. His mother brings him to live in a rural village.
Want to See You
Want to See You (Muốn Nhìn Thấy Em) is a Vietnamese BL series about a blind protagonist. After an accident, the main character loses his vision and requires long-term assistance.
Ongoing Hong Kong BL
Hehe & He Season 3
Hehe & He Season 3 (HeHe室友 第三季) is a Hong Kong BL series that started since November 2021. It is the third season of the web series, Hehe & He. The drama is currently ongoing.